Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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Troup County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

John B. Tucker, Attorney

30 Years of Legal Experience and a Tradition of Excellence

Peachtree City, GA

This law firm practices family law and criminal law. Hallmarks of this law firm include integrity, commitment and success. Attorney John B. Tucker offers in-depth legal advice yet practical solutions that work. He takes the time to listen to his clients to understand their needs.

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Law Office Of Tracy Reeves LLC

The Law Office of Tracy Reeves, LLC focuses primarily on all levels of criminal defense; from traffic violations to murder.

Atlanta , GA

Tracy S. Reeves, Jr. has successfully prosecuted and defended every type of criminal case. Mr. Reeves is trial lawyer and lives to litigate in court. There is no case too small or too big to provide optimum service to clients and vigorously advocate for their rights.

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