Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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Bryan County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.

<b>Experienced and Effective Criminal Defense</b>

Savannah, GA

Criminal defense isn't just another job. The work I do representing clients has a real impact on the lives of people.

Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk

Criminal & DUI Attorney Serving the people of Gerogia.

Savannah, GA

Being charged with a DUI can bring about harsh judgment from friends, family, your employer, and other members of society that have access to your criminal record.

Jonathan V. Dunn P.C.

Jonathan V. Dunn, P.C., is a boutique law firm in Savannah dedicated to providing concierge service to our clients in the areas of Criminal Defense and Family Law. Jonathan V. Dunn is a former Assistant District Attorney and veteran litigator.

Savannah, GA

At Jonathan V. Dunn P.C., we are a dedicated team of legal professionals serving the Savannah community and the state of Georgia.

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