Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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Effingham County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.

<b>Experienced and Effective Criminal Defense</b>

Savannah, GA

Criminal defense isn't just another job. The work I do representing clients has a real impact on the lives of people.

Jonathan V. Dunn P.C.

Jonathan V. Dunn, P.C., is a boutique law firm in Savannah dedicated to providing concierge service to our clients in the areas of Criminal Defense and Family Law. Jonathan V. Dunn is a former Assistant District Attorney and veteran litigator.

Savannah, GA

At Jonathan V. Dunn P.C., we are a dedicated team of legal professionals serving the Savannah community and the state of Georgia.

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