Middlesex County Real Estate Lawyers

The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman

The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman handles hundreds of real estate closings annually. Mr. Lederman personally handles all contract negotiations/reviews, home inspection issues, title review and prepares the final settlement statement.

Piscataway, NJ

The Law Offices of Lee R. Lederman is a real estate law firm. Unlike many law firms that handle numerous different types of legal matters, our firm prides itself on concentrating in the area of residential and commercial real estate.

Mark S. Vincent, Esq.

Monroe Township, NJ

Lanza Law Firm LLP

South Plainfield, NJ

Richard Lupo, LLC

North Brunswick, NJ

Steven S. Polinsky

East Brunswick, NJ

LaPiana Law Firm, LLC

New Brunswick , NJ

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