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Johnson County Immigration Law Lawyers

Mark E. Jacobs, PC

Dallas immigration attorney Mark Jacobs is one of the most trusted names in Dallas immigration law. Call him for a free first consultation at Mark E. Jacobs, P.C., at (972) 233-7788 .

Dallas, TX

In dealing with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the courts, you want a lawyer who is experienced and up to date, a lawyer you can trust your future to, a lawyer who is persistent, who never gives up on clients. There's a joke about opera: "It's not over

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Cifuentes Escalona Garces Law, P.C.

Empowering your journey: offering comprehensive immigration legal services with a compassionate, human-centered approach.

Los Angeles, CA

With our roots deeply entrenched in the immigrant experience, CEG Law is a testament to resilience and determination.

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