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Seminole County Family Lawyers

Law Office of Thomas C. Greene

36 Years of Experience

Sanford, FL

Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: Criminal Law, DUI, Drug Crimes, Felonies, Misdemeanors, Juvenile Crimes, Traffic Violations, Family Law, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody, Visitation Rights, Spousal Support, Domestic Violence, Probate, Adoptions, and Bankruptcy.

The Troum Law Firm, P.A.

A Resource in Family and Divorce Law

Maitland, FL

Solo Family Law Attorney, Mark S. Troum, is considered a resource, in the areas of divorce, paternity, and marital law, which include the modifications and enforcement of marital and cohabitation agreements and criminal contempt, with additional training in collaborative law. The Troum Law Firm, P.A.

Jennifer Dane Family Law

Altamonte Springs , FL

Andrade & Vellon, P. A.

Altamonte Springs, FL

Frank Family Law Practice

Altamonte Springs, FL

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