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Leon County Family Lawyers

Law Office of Matt Liebenhaut, PLLC

Our client's interests are our highest priority - Always available 24/7!

Tallahassee, FL

The Law Office of Matt Liebenhaut is an award-winning law firm dedicated to providing excellent representation in the areas of Social Security Disability, Private Disability Insurance and Family Law in North Florida and South Georgia.

Stephens Law

Tallahassee, FL

Law Offices of Bruce A. Leinback, P.A.

The Law Offices of Bruce A. Leinback, P.A. are located in Tallahassee, Florida.

Tallahassee, FL

We serve clients in Tallahassee and Leon County, as well as elsewhere in North Florida, including Jefferson, Wakulla, Gadsden, Franklin, Liberty, Calhoun, Bay, Jackson, Madison, and Taylor Counties. We represent individuals, businesses, and public bodies.

Fournier Law, PLLC

Tallahassee, FL

Fournier Law, PLLC

Tallahassee, FL

Gray Law

Tallahassee, FL

Gray Law

Tallahassee, FL

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