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Solano County Business Lawyers

Open for Business
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AT&P Legal

Empowering California consumers with accessible legal solutions tailored to their business needs. At AT&P Legal, we understand the importance of affordability without compromising quality.


Welcome to AT&P Legal - your trusted full-service business law practice. With a rich history of serving diverse clientele, ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to local startups and individuals, we bring unparalleled expertise to every case we handle. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses every aspect of business law, ensuring

Transbay Law Group, PC

As a trusted advisor to growing companies and individuals, We are known for creative and cost-effective billing structures, flat-fee arrangements, and virtual general counsel services. We are your virtual, on-demand general counsel.

Redwood City, CA

Our practice areas include: Negotiating and Drafting Contracts -Software/Mobile Tech/Digital/Licenses -Stock and Asset Purchases -Debt and Equity Transactions -Requirements/Supply/Outsourcing Agreements -Mergers & Acquisitions/Due Diligence -Channel Partner/Reseller/Distributor Agreements -Manufacturing/Product Development Agreements -General Commercial Agmts and Corporate Governance -Attending and Preparing for Board Meetings/Minutes -Preparing ESOPs and Stock Option Plans -Corporate Compliance Reviews and Remediations Early-Stage/Corporate/Follow on Venture Financings -Risk Management/HR, IT and

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

Law Office of Stanley Imerman

Encino, CA

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