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Butte County Business Lawyers

Transbay Law Group, PC

As a trusted advisor to growing companies and individuals, We are known for creative and cost-effective billing structures, flat-fee arrangements, and virtual general counsel services. We are your virtual, on-demand general counsel.

Redwood City, CA

Our practice areas include: Negotiating and Drafting Contracts -Software/Mobile Tech/Digital/Licenses -Stock and Asset Purchases -Debt and Equity Transactions -Requirements/Supply/Outsourcing Agreements -Mergers & Acquisitions/Due Diligence -Channel Partner/Reseller/Distributor Agreements -Manufacturing/Product Development Agreements -General Commercial Agmts and Corporate Governance -Attending and Preparing for Board Meetings/Minutes -Preparing ESOPs and Stock Option Plans -Corporate Compliance Reviews and Remediations Early-Stage/Corporate/Follow on Venture Financings -Risk Management/HR, IT and

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

Law Office of Stanley Imerman

Encino, CA

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