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Fulton County Trucking Accident Lawyers

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Law Office of John S. Eliasik

An Experienced Attorney You Can Trust to Get Results: We understand how an injury or death can affect you and your family.

Chicago, IL

Dealing with the effects of an injury and the legal system can be overwhelming. That is why it's important to find an attorney who is looking out for your interests; an attorney you can trust. Our practice is founded upon the idea of partnership, and that means keeping you informed

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys

Trapp and Geller have achieved more than $350 million dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients. We have a proven track record of success. We are ready to help Please call (312) 269-1329 for a free consultation to discuss your case.

Chicago, IL

At Trapp & Geller, our attorneys have more than 30 years of experience in representing our clients that have been injured in any type of accident. Trapp & Geller handle all personal injury cases including catastrophic injury cases, wrongful death cases, car accidents, CTA and Bus accidents, Medical Malpractice,

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