Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC practices law in connection with sophisticated business transactions and business litigation matters for corporations, partnerships, LLCs and individuals.

This lawyer is licensed to practice in California and has no record of discipline from the California bar association. *

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC practices law in connection with sophisticated business transactions and business litigation matters for corporations, partnerships, LLCs and individuals.

This lawyer is licensed to practice in California and has no record of discipline from the California bar association. *

Firm Overview

For over 48 years, Roger Golden has focused his practice on sophisticated business and related litigation. His experience runs the gamut from formation of corporations, partnerships, and LLCs to commercial and personal real estate transactions to corporate and partnership disputes, trade secret actions, breaches of fiduciary duty law suits and contract and real estate litigation. Because of his experience with "both sides" of business (i.e., the business side and the litigation) he is able to help you not make the mistakes which give rise to litigation and when it does give rise to a lawsuit understand the business and economics of the claims in addition to the law applicable to them.

Main Office

Main Office
26500 West Agoura Rd
Suite 102
Calabasas, CA 91302


(805) 380-4411

Services Offered For Fixed Fees?

Formation of entities, certain proceedings in court, and other matters that are viable candidates for a fixed fee. Please feel free to contact me regarding a fee structure that fits your need,

Hourly Rates


Office Information
Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Firm Overview

For over 48 years, Roger Golden has focused his practice on sophisticated business and related litigation. His experience runs the gamut from formation of corporations, partnerships, and LLCs to commercial and personal real estate transactions to corporate and partnership disputes, trade secret actions, breaches of fiduciary duty law suits and contract and real estate litigation. Because of his experience with "both sides" of business (i.e., the business side and the litigation) he is able to help you not make the mistakes which give rise to litigation and when it does give rise to a lawsuit understand the business and economics of the claims in addition to the law applicable to them.

Main Office

Main Office
26500 West Agoura Rd
Suite 102
Calabasas, CA 91302


(805) 380-4411

Services Offered For Fixed Fees?

Formation of entities, certain proceedings in court, and other matters that are viable candidates for a fixed fee. Please feel free to contact me regarding a fee structure that fits your need,

Hourly Rates


Office Information
Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

Law Offices of Roger N. Golden, PC
Roger Golden

This lawyer is licensed to practice in California and has no record of discipline from the California bar association. *

* Nolo has confirmed that every member attorney has a valid license and is in good standing with the state agency that licenses lawyers. Any past disbarments and suspensions (with possible exceptions for minor violations or nonpayment of dues, in our discretion) will be indicated accordingly in the badge. Member attorneys are required to notify Nolo immediately if they become the subject of any disciplinary action by any state licensing agency.

Contact Us

This lawyer is licensed to practice in California and has no record of discipline from the California bar association. *

* Nolo has confirmed that every member attorney has a valid license and is in good standing with the state agency that licenses lawyers. Any past disbarments and suspensions (with possible exceptions for minor violations or nonpayment of dues, in our discretion) will be indicated accordingly in the badge. Member attorneys are required to notify Nolo immediately if they become the subject of any disciplinary action by any state licensing agency.