Joel Hand Law

Joel Hand Law

Defending Against Your OWI Charges!

This lawyer is licensed to practice in Indiana and has no record of discipline from the Indiana bar association. *

Joel Hand Law

Joel Hand Law

Defending Against Your OWI Charges!

This lawyer is licensed to practice in Indiana and has no record of discipline from the Indiana bar association. *

Firm Overview

Whether you call it DUI or DWI charges, OWI charges can have considerable consequences. It does not matter if you were driving a car, truck, motorcycle, boat, moped, jet ski or even a bicycle; if you are convicted for these offenses, even for the first time, you can experience a lifetime of complications and difficulties as a result.

At Joel Hand Law, I fight to defend my clients against their OWI charges. I understand the consequences that an Indiana courtroom can impose on you if convicted, and I fight tirelessly to help my clients pursue the optimal outcome in their case, by any means necessary.

Main Office

Main Office
1512 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202


(317) 981-8143


Joel Hand Law
Joel D. Hand

Joel Hand Law
Joel D. Hand

Firm Overview

Whether you call it DUI or DWI charges, OWI charges can have considerable consequences. It does not matter if you were driving a car, truck, motorcycle, boat, moped, jet ski or even a bicycle; if you are convicted for these offenses, even for the first time, you can experience a lifetime of complications and difficulties as a result.

At Joel Hand Law, I fight to defend my clients against their OWI charges. I understand the consequences that an Indiana courtroom can impose on you if convicted, and I fight tirelessly to help my clients pursue the optimal outcome in their case, by any means necessary.

Main Office

Main Office
1512 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202


(317) 981-8143


Joel Hand Law
Joel D. Hand

Joel Hand Law
Joel D. Hand

This lawyer is licensed to practice in Indiana and has no record of discipline from the Indiana bar association. *

* Nolo has confirmed that every member attorney has a valid license and is in good standing with the state agency that licenses lawyers. Any past disbarments and suspensions (with possible exceptions for minor violations or nonpayment of dues, in our discretion) will be indicated accordingly in the badge. Member attorneys are required to notify Nolo immediately if they become the subject of any disciplinary action by any state licensing agency.

Contact Us

This lawyer is licensed to practice in Indiana and has no record of discipline from the Indiana bar association. *

* Nolo has confirmed that every member attorney has a valid license and is in good standing with the state agency that licenses lawyers. Any past disbarments and suspensions (with possible exceptions for minor violations or nonpayment of dues, in our discretion) will be indicated accordingly in the badge. Member attorneys are required to notify Nolo immediately if they become the subject of any disciplinary action by any state licensing agency.