Facing Foreclosure? We've helped 75 clients find attorneys today.
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Texas Foreclosure Lawyers

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Leinart Law Firm

Dallas, TX

Open for Business

Summit Real Estate Law Firm

Summit Foreclosure Defense has devoted all of its time and energy into saving homeowners homes. understand that your home is your dream. With a proven track record we only take on files we know we can help.

rancho santa margarita, CA

Here at Summit Foreclosure Defense we like to think that no bank is to tough. We specialize in Loss Mitigation options ranging from Loan Modifications to Deed in Lieu of Foreclosures, Moratorium options as well as Short Sales and Forberences.

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Now Law Firm's mission is to help protect the real and intellectual properties of people from all walks of life through competence, integrity, transparency and commitment.

Los Angeles, CA

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Protect your investment. Owning commercial real estate comes with its share of legal challenges. Whether you a are a first time buyer or a savvy investor, The Property Lawyer will guide you through your transaction from the ground up. Protect your ideas. Ideas drive innovation.

Kealy Law Firm

At Kealy Law Firm, we help people navigate the bankruptcy process & estate planning issues to make sure your family is covered no matter the situation. We help families get a fresh start & protect their wealth.

Houston, TX

Free Consultations for all Bankruptcy & Debt Relief related legal matters. Serving the Houston Metro & surrounding areas.

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