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Summit County Family Lawyers

Sharon Berg Co., LPA

Divorce Attorney

Akron, OH

Choose a path that conserves your emotional and financial resources so that you can better prepare for your family's new life.

Joseph A. Kacyon, Attorney At Law

A full service law firm with focused practice groups in family law, adoption, probate, traffic/criminal defense and civil litigation.

Akron, OH

Hoover Kacyon, LLC. is a unique, full service law firm serving the Akron, Canton and Summit County area and providing all of the support and resources of a large law firm but with the personal attention of a small business.

Marlene P. Emery

Twinsburg, OH

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Talk to a Family attorney.

How It Works

  1. Briefly tell us about your case
  2. Provide your contact information
  3. Choose attorneys to contact you