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Kings County Family Lawyers

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The Mandel Law Firm - Family Law Attorneys

New York City Family Law Attorneys On Your Side

New York, NY

Real Solutions in Divorce and Family Law Steve Mandel, who has successfully obtained millions in compensation for injured clients, is your best choice. This may be the first time you're facing a divorce, a child custody battle, a spousal support and maintenance (alimony) issue, or another family law matter, but it's

Fern Finkel & Associates, PLLC

My office helps clients with Elder Law, Estate Planning, and Special Needs

Brooklyn, NY

At Fern Finkel & Associates, PLLC., we bring decades of experience in elder law, estate planning, special needs planning and advocacy to our clients. We offer a wide variety of services and practical planning instruments for the protection of older adults, persons with disabilities and their loved ones.

Hall Law Group

Brooklyn , NY

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