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Sumter County Estate Planning Lawyers

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Young's Law Firm, P.A.

He holds a degree in political sci. from the University of Central Fla., a master’s degree in political sci. at the University of Freiburg, and a Law Degree from FAMU. He focuses his practices in Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills, and Criminal Defense.

Apopka, FL

Young B. Kim is a solo general practitioner, focusing on Wills, Trust, & Probate.

Scott J Brook, PA

Coral Springs, FL

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

Weksler Law Group, PLLC

Weksler Law Group is a prominent estate planning law firm with a focus on helping clients ensure that they are prepared for the future by assisting with the creation and implementation of a fully comprehensive estate plan.

Hollywood, FL

Weksler Law Group is a prominent estate planning law firm with a focus on helping clients ensure that they are prepared for the future by creating and assisting with the implementation of a fully comprehensive estate plan. Our firm can prepare your Will, Trust agreements, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives,

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  3. Choose attorneys to contact you