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Sussex County Employment Lawyers

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Costello & Mains, LLC

The New Jersey Employment Rights Lawyers - Discrimination, Harassment, Discharge, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower

Mount Laurel, NJ

Protecting the Employment and Civil Rights of New Jersey Residents No matter what the legal issue, people deserve to have a lawyer who will advocate for their rights.

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

The Law Office of Michael L. Billera and Associates

At the Law Office of Michael L. Billera and Associates our attorneys will work closely with you through your entire case. Our hard-working attorneys dedicated to ensuring you are legally protected no matter who you are or where you come from.

Staten Island, NY

The Law Office Michael L. Billera and Associates, PLLC is a law practice serving clients in New York and New Jersey. We emphasize building strong relationships with an unconditional commitment to serving our clients.

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