Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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Erie County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C.

At Purchase, George & Murphey, our team handles nearly any case that involves personal injury, as well as criminal defense, DUI/DWI and medical malpractice cases.

Erie, PA

If you have been hurt by someone else's carelessness, or if you are facing criminal charges, it is never too soon to learn about your rights and your options. We offer a free consultation that will give you the opportunity to talk with us without obligation.

Charbel Latouf at Latouf Law Firm

Latouf Law focuses on Criminal Defense, DUI and DWI and Traffic Tickets cases! Call our office today at (814) 454-4555 to schedule your initial consulation.

Erie, PA

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