Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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Sagadahoc County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

Nichols & Tucker, P.A.

Nichols & Tucker established in July of 1999, defends citizens accused in Maine of engaging in criminal activities and OUI offenses. We believe, as did the authors of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Maine.

Portland, ME

The law firm of Nichols & Tucker also represents plaintiffs in civil litigation cases, such as Personal injury Sexual Harassment in the workplace Workplace discrimination Victims of product liability OUI/DUI/DWI charges Medical malpractice We are committed to providing zealous and thorough representation for the citizens in Maine and to protecting your legal rights.

Vincent Loconte Esq.

Maine Criminal Defense Lawyers Portland ME & Saco ME Offices

Portland, ME

John Webb, Vincent S. LoConte, Nicole Williamson and Conor Todd are top-rated criminal lawyers in Maine who are dedicated criminal defense attorneys. Our attorneys in Maine are just as comfortable in Maine's state courts as in a federal court, in defending our clients. The Webb Law Firm defense group focuses

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