Facing a DUI? We've helped 115 clients find attorneys today.
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San Francisco County Dui And Dwi Lawyers

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Ticket Crushers Law

The experienced team of attorneys at Ticket Crushers represents a diverse portfolio of clients throughout the state of California in DUI/DWI, Traffic, felony and misdemeanor criminal cases.

San Jose, CA

Our commitment is to DUI/DWI, criminal and traffic defense, focusing on zealous advocacy of clients and providing the most effective defenses possible. When you hire an attorney at Ticket Crushers, you have the peace of mind knowing that an experienced team of attorneys is behind you.

The Law Offices of Mark Blair

Outstanding Bay Area DUI Representation

Hayward, CA

I have over 37 years experience in DUI defense. I've handled thousands of DUI cases.. An example: A DUI felony case with great bodily injury was reduced to a misdemeanor DUI case (no great bodily injury), with credit for time served (This is not a guarantee or promise of any

The Law Firm of Aaron Bortel Esq.

San Francisco DUI Lawyer & Attorney

San Francisco, CA

I have practiced criminal defense exclusively for the past 18 years. That focus shifted to exclusive DUI defense many years ago.Example casesI have had numerous DUI cases Dismissed, regardless of Blood Alcohol Level. I have won numerous DMV hearings resulting in no suspension of license:- .

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