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Baltimore City County Business Lawyers

Jacobs & Dembert, P.A.

Jacobs & Dembert, P.A. is a Baltimore Inner Harbor law firm engaged in a general civil practice including business and corporate law, health law, probate and estate planning, taxation, and real estate.

Baltimore, MD

Jacobs & Dembert, P.A. was started in February, 1996 by Jim Jacobs and Dave Dembert, both of whom practiced in the 1980s with Frank Bernstein Conaway & Goldman, a large regional law firm, and, subsequently, with their own small firms in the early 1990s.

Open for Business

The Gibbs Law Firm, LLC

GLF is a full service law firm with extensive transactional and litigation experience, providing a myriad of legal services in Maryland and DC. Contact us at 240.403.4071 or to speak with an attorney.

Rockville, MD

The Gibbs Law Firm, LLC (GLF) was founded in 2006 as a general practice law firm to provide clients with customized solutions tailored to each client's needs.

Baxter | Baker

Baltimore , MD

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